New Phase 3 Guidelines Posted!
Governor Jay Inslee’s office released updated Phase 3 guidelines for sporting activities on March 22, 2021. Please visit our COVID-19 Resource page for highlights and additional information pertaining to Southlake. You can also visit the Washington Youth Soccer webpage for additional details for the entire state.
The biggest change for our soccer players is the removal of the mask mandate for players while actively playing games. Players must wear their mask coming to/from the field, while practicing/training, and while on the sidelines during games. Coaches, volunteers, and spectators must wear their mask at all times. Referees that are running the field during games are not required to wear their mask during the game.
For single field venues, the 200 limit still applies for all people on the field including spectators. Venues with multiple fields may have a maximum of 150 people per field for those venues without permanent seating (i.e. bleachers).
Tournaments are allowed with specific guidelines.
Please refer to the full set of guidelines set by the Governor’s office for Phase 3 sports HERE.